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This is placeholder text for our UX Intensive websites

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This is placeholder text for our UX Intensive websites

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Guide your organization to make smart choices

UX leaders often talk about the importance of “having a seat at the table.” However, what’s more important is what we bring to the table.

Right now, your organization faces some critical decisions. Decisions that will determine if the future is easy or extremely difficult. Decisions that will choose the best way to focus limited resources. If made right, decisions will delight your users and customers, or, if made wrong, will completely frustrate those customers and cost the organization money and reputation.

When important decisions have to be made, do we have the data and insights to guide the decision-makers to the best choices? This is the product of great user research. It’s the superpower that UX leaders just like you can bring to the table.

Spend the week of September 13th discovering what your UX research efforts truly need. Put together a plan that makes your UX team strategic, influential, and innovative.

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Drive Strategy
Gain Influence
Deliver Innovation

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UX Research,
Research Line!

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Upgrade your UX Research to be more strategic, more influential, and more innovative

Imagine 5 days where you:

  • Transform your organization to a learning culture that understands your users and their needs.
  • Discover the influence your research results bring to key business decisions, such as product roadmap priorities.
  • Reframe your research efforts to be a continuous discovery process, strengthening everyone’s knowledge of what success looks like.
  • Grow your organization’s UX research capabilities to meet the demands of fast-moving teams.
  • Recast your UX research from being undervalued and the first to be cut into a high-demand leadership power tool.
  • Recast KPIs to be UX outcomes instead of delivery outputs.

Ready to drive your organizations strategy?

Join Now


This intensive is incredibly energizing and has given me persuasive insightsthat I’ve employed to push our group to launch a UX accessibility framework with an outcome tied to bringing equity to users across our org regardless of role or rank, future-proofing our offerings. I’m so excited!

- Paula Bee

I found out that this 5-day Persuasive UX Metrics intensive is pure diamond. Even more thanks to the interactive part. How cool is this that you teach us how to merge UX Metrics with Business Metrics!

- Ewa Marciniak

Your talks are - as always pedagogic and super easy to follow, the way you visualize, structure and package the talks: Talking about a current state, recognizing what's wrong with it (and why) and then how to do it better.

- Jessica Bjemer

How the Advanced Approach to UX Research intensive works

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Between Monday, Sept 13, and Friday, Sept 17, you’ll spend 10 hours diving deep with Jared Spool. Explore how to scale your team’s UX research to make you more strategic, influential, and innovative.

5 one-hour live discussions – A new topic each day.
Attend either the Live at 2pm ET (18.00 GMT) or the Watch Party at 7pm ET (23.00 GMT) each day.

3 one-hour Implementation and Inspiration sessions.
11am ET (15.00 GMT) on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

2 hours on assessing your weak spots and identifying your next steps.
Block out your own time to collaborate with your team.

Total commitment: 10 hours
Benefit: You’ll build a strategic plan to upgrade your UX research.

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Win Influence with an Advanced User Research Strategy

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~update~ Few UX leaders realize how important having the right UX metrics is

Too many teams treat metrics as an afterthought. UX leaders try to use metrics to show the effectiveness of their teams’ efforts.

Deliver Better-Designed Products with a Research-Driven Roadmap

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~update~ Few UX leaders realize how important having the right UX metrics is

Too many teams treat metrics as an afterthought. UX leaders try to use metrics to show the effectiveness of their teams’ efforts.

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Increase Innovation with Continuous Research

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~update~ Few UX leaders realize how important having the right UX metrics is

Too many teams treat metrics as an afterthought. UX leaders try to use metrics to show the effectiveness of their teams’ efforts.

Dramatically Scale Your Organization’s Research Capabilities

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~update~ Few UX leaders realize how important having the right UX metrics is

Too many teams treat metrics as an afterthought. UX leaders try to use metrics to show the effectiveness of their teams’ efforts.

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Convince Stakeholders of the Full Value of UX

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~update~ Few UX leaders realize how important having the right UX metrics is

Too many teams treat metrics as an afterthought. UX leaders try to use metrics to show the effectiveness of their teams’ efforts.

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~update~Increase Innovation with Continuous Research

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~update~ Few UX leaders realize how important having the right UX metrics is

Too many teams treat metrics as an afterthought. UX leaders try to use metrics to show the effectiveness of their teams’ efforts.

~update~ Dramatically Scale Your Organization’s Research Capabilities

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~update~ Few UX leaders realize how important having the right UX metrics is

Too many teams treat metrics as an afterthought. UX leaders try to use metrics to show the effectiveness of their teams’ efforts.

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~update~ Convince Stakeholders of the Full Value of UX

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~update~ Few UX leaders realize how important having the right UX metrics is

Too many teams treat metrics as an afterthought. UX leaders try to use metrics to show the effectiveness of their teams’ efforts.

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Do the work and get strategic

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Roll up your sleeves. Start increasing value immediately.

Each day, Jared will give you assignments to assess your UX research efforts. You and your team will identify weak spots and set out a detailed strategy for your enhanced UX research initiatives.

This is hard work. Making big changes happen is never easy. Are you up for the challenge?

Don’t worry. You won’t do the work in a vacuum. We’ll support you.

Bring your work to each of our Implementation and Inspiration Sessions. Discuss your choices with Jared and get insights on your path to success.

Jared leads the Implementation and Inspiration Sessions at 11am ET (15.00 GMT).

Tuesday, Sept 14
Identify Your UX Research Weak Spots

Wednesday, Sept 15
Infuse the Roadmap with Your UX Research

Thursday, Sept 16
Expand Your UX Research Influence

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  T.H., Design Consultant:

Attending the five-day intensive only makes me wish I signed up for the VIP sessions too!

Each day’s takeaways are built upon the next to thread the story and explain a mature way of looking at human-centric design and user experience to the product team. I connected with some new friends and members, which was an unexpected bonus!

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  N.K., Lead Product Designer:

After the first session, I was incredibly inspired by topics like “How to translate research findings into executive’s language”, “Strategic research that goes along the lines of where the business is heading,” and “change focus from output to outcome”.

I would definitely recommend this for any UX leader or any UXer looking to make a change.

Advanced UX Research is a team sport. Bring your team.

This Intensive is, well, intense. It’s dense with new information and ways of thinking about UX Research.

You could try to relay the information back to your team, but why play the middle-person?

Instead, bring your entire team (and your management) and get exposed to all these great ideas at the same time. Work on the assignments together. Plan the critical changes you’ll need as a team.

We guarantee that every session will spur great discussions. You’ll be itching to make immediate changes, even before the Intensive ends.

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Led by Jared Spool, Maker of Awesomeness

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Everything you learn in this 5-day Intensive comes directly from Jared’s years of working across industries, discovering the best practices for organizations to deliver well-designed products and services.

His experience, working with design leaders of organizations like IBM, NASA, GE, Fidelity Investments, GM, Exxon Mobil, and the Obama White House, has taught him exactly what teams need to mount strategic, influential UX research initiatives.

You’ll love his stories, his ability to demonstrate every point with a simple, concrete example, and his comically adorable attempts at trying to draw out his ideas. (You can’t fault him for trying, though.)

Most importantly, you’ll love how much smarter you’ll feel after spending a few minutes absorbing his experience-informed wisdom. Don’t pass up this opportunity to glean everything you can from Jared.

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Research Plan - Fundamental

Image of three people together
A sales tag icon

Individual: $447 per person

A sales tag icon

Team (2 or more): $397 per person

A couch icon

Only a few spots left.

What's Included:

  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.
  • Ground-breaking concepts behind:
    • Sub list 1
    • Sublist 2
    • sublist 3

  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.
  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.

Research Plan - VIP

Image of three people together
A sales tag icon

Individual: $447 per person

A sales tag icon

Team (2 or more): $397 per person

A couch icon

Only a few spots left.

What's Included:

  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.
  • Ground-breaking concepts behind:
    • Sub list 1
    • Sublist 2
    • sublist 3

  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.
  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.

Research Plan - Recordings Only

Image of three people together
A sales tag icon

Individual: $447 per person

A sales tag icon

Team (2 or more): $397 per person

A couch icon

Only a few spots left.

What's Included:

  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.
  • Ground-breaking concepts behind:
    • Sub list 1
    • Sublist 2
    • sublist 3

  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.
  • Five 90-minute live sessions with Jared Spool.